Well, isn't she lovely?I got to photograph this beauty before her big dance last weekend. Because it was *freezing* outside on the day of our shoot, we decided to move everything into to the studio at the last minute. I didn't want this to look like a Sears portrait session (uh, sorry if any of my readers are photographers for that retailer...), so I decided to pitch something more editorial.And we had a blast! And I am so glad we did this. A little back story, Erin wanted to wear sneakers with her dress to the prom. Her mother wanted heels. We shot both.
For your internet shares of the day, flank steak is my favorite and I highly suggest you all make friends with it this summer. Also, I found the recipe for the best bbq sauce on the planet (from Salt Lick near Austin, of course). And I loved this article about slowing down summer for kids.