pucker up


Today we slipped out of bed and into wrinkled clothes, quickly brushed our teeth, threw on our winter hats and rushed off to catch the matinee of "The King's Speech." It was a wonderful film (although NOT better than Inception -- do you hear me Oscar committee?), and it was nice to slowly wake up in the dark with a good story. What I naively did not realize, was that the early matinee was such a hit with the senior citizens! I felt like a teenager in that place. And it was so cute how they all smuggled in their soda and popcorn to save money. And how they couldn't figure out how to turn off their cell phones -- even that made me smile. Maybe I'm just more agreeable on a Sunday morning...Anyway, enough about that. How about this photo! Well, after the movie I needed to get my father a birthday gift (no, not at the makeup counter). But I *did* need to visit a department store, which always leads me to the makeup counter. I don't know if it's in my woman DNA or what, but I am so drawn to the many lipsticks and eyeshadows that are on display in these stores... and it always feels like such a privilege to purchase the fancy makeup in the pretty cases. It's just one of the small things that makes me feel happy. I really wanted to get out my macro lens and make a really cool photo of the variety of lipsticks, but um, I didn't have permission to be shooting in the store so I just snapped this quickly and nonchalantly as we made our way off to the men's dept. Next time, I'll try to be better prepared :)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser