punk rock is never on time


Yeah, yeah, yeah, this picture is from yesterday. I'm just a mess this week, eh? Photos are coming in one, two, and even more days late. Be kind... remember, I don't have a shower or tub to relax in. For an updated photo of that progress, look here.Besides Jamie and I being a touch discombobulated from all of the construction, poor Merlin is a walking zombie. I can only imagine the noise when we're gone, and even though he's down in the basement during the day, this collie is freaking out. Poor guy. Hopefully now that all of the demolition is done things will quiet down just a touch.Last night we ran off to catch the Palma Violets at the Entry, which is the photo up there. They were even better than they were at SXSW (which is saying something), and the only bad part was that there were close to zero lights at the show, which makes my job pretty tough. So the other images, which you can see here, are pretty dark.For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to read about the research and thought behind the Taco Bell Dorito Loco taco. Fun fact: Demand for the new tacos was so high that Taco Bell had to hire 15,000 more people to meet the demand. CRAZY.