rachel and ryan


post by leslie

This weekend I had the opportunity to photograph a lovely wedding on the hottest and muggiest day of the year. Well, that's actually not true. It was maybe the second hottest and muggiest day *this* summer, but still not the hottest, muggiest wedding I've ever shot. That award goes to the amazing Bloom couple who, I believe, were in Moscow this weekend escaping the heat by literally flying to the other side of the planet (smarties, those two).But I digress! Rachel and Ryan came to Minnesota for a cool and breezy wedding, escaping their home in Washington D.C. (joke's on them), but regardless, they still had a blast, keeping each other laughing all day long. And as we all know, couples that make each other laugh endlessly are my favorite kind, and this was no exception. And you guys have to see these photos because the groom's socks had their dog's face on them. Yup, these are my people.More photos below! Enjoy!