real talk


0413sunsetwSometimes you spend 10 hours working to make photos that your client needs and that you think are just fine and will serve their purpose but are nothing that will ever land in your portfolio. Not every job can be ballet dancers being photographed in mid-jump, but honestly sometimes more effort goes into the simple product shots than into your favorite pieces of art. It can get a bit draining, but at the same time I learn a gazillion new things at every single shoot, so I'm thrilled to have the work.And then you come home, spend 30 minutes with the kid putting him to bed (oh how I wish there were more hours in the day!), and then you hit the lake for a walk in an attempt to clear your head and get some exercise because my god those donuts on set were delicious. And then Minnesota gives you that sunset up there.Have I mentioned my love for this place I live in? Yeah. It's pretty rad.For your internet shares of the day, this came out a few weeks ago but I missed it and I love it (thank you Taylor Swift for being you). And these instagrams of people who dress like their surroundings is mesmerizing. And I found some super helpful tricks for natural cleaners around the house in this piece (like eucalyptus oil for sticker removal!).