rise and shine


1229grapefruitsmOne of my very favorite parts of winter (besides the snow, hibernation and epic television catch-up) is the fresh grapefruit. I am a huge fan of eating it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert or whatever. But! It has to be Texas Ruby Red, as those are the best. And no sugar -- that would ruin the thing completely.Today I learned that someone else likes the grapefruit as well, and that would be Magda. I shall guard it much better from here on out.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to some FABULOUS, sexy and wonderful shoes. I do not know how I have not learned about these before, but now I have a new "when I win the lottery" object to covet. Enjoy, ladies.Oh! And I also posted my favorite shots of 2013 today. You can see those over here!