Room with a view


post by leslie

Today was long.I started by shooting a super fun digital marketing event at the Walker (the breakfast had the view above -- which, by the way, includes a piece of Shuttersmack HQ in it!), but it did have me up at 5:45 am. The rest of the day was filled with meetings and photo processing, piano lessons, swim lessons and picking up dinner all while managing a 3 year old's endless emotions.And while I raced around town from piano lessons to preschool pickup and managed to arrive at swim lessons on time... I realized as I pulled into the parking lot that I had forgotten both the swim trunks and the towel. Some days are just like that, I suppose.Anyway, here's to realizing that we are all far from perfect and all we can do is work a little harder to get things right. And put our feet up at the end of the day and watch a little trash TV. At least, that's my plan.One internet share that struck a chord today was this. Enjoy!