saturday at the circus // up north


05smWhat a week! We said goodbye to Bubie Carole, who headed back to KC, we had a *ton* of friends stop by to meet Ezra, we ran errands like normal people, and we traveled up to the North Shore for an anniversary trip with Kid Plesser. It wasn't quite a "family vacation" as we had to leave the dogs back at home, but it has been fun nonetheless. The photo above was Jamie entertaining Ezra this morning at the cabin. I might have to frame that one.01smEzra sleeping in Bubie Carole's arms before she left town.02smRock'n'roll! Well... almost. Still working on the hand signals.03smThis view made the pre-dawn feeding bearable today. This was shot from our cabin window. Awesome.04smThis kid sleeps just like his sister.06smOh hi there.07smI love those long fingers!08smWe took a hike along the lakeshore today. If you look closely, you can see Jamie and Ezra out on the point.09smThis is Ezra in the Ergo. He's kinda smushed, but totally happy.10smCutie.11smThis kid hates tummy time. HATES IT. But we keep trying. Also? Biggest head ever. No wonder I had a c-section.12smBefore dinner tonight, we sat by one of the many bonfires along the shore at the resort and talked to other guests about their trips. It was lovely.For your internet share today, I like seeing what $93 million will buy you in NYC.