saturday at the circus // humbled by parenthood


03smOh, this week was a roller coaster. Such highs! Such lows! One thing is for certain, just when you think you have had a good day with the kid and things are working out, the next day knocks you on your ass. And just when you think all is lost and this day is gonna blow, the kid smiles big and a wonderful, happy mood returns and you couldn't be more thrilled. (Also, notice how tummy time is ok now? Yay!)We had a full 11 hours of sleep on Christmas Eve. It was glorious! The best gift this kid could have given us! But then a few days later? I got about 1.5 hours of sleep the whole night. Oh, and it was not consecutive. See what I mean?But no matter what, I'm still totally smitten with this little sleep stealer. And I'm hopeful that we'll get him in a steady pattern soon enough. Or at least before he's two.01smHere's my prince with the lovely Isla, my best friend Julie's daughter who is 3 months older than Ezra. I love this photo so much. We were so happy they could visit us this holiday season and the kids could meet.02sm 06smThere were some tired and cranky moments this week for sure. For some reason, getting in the car seat really pisses Ezra off this week. But start moving in it? Happy as a clam. Yup.07smChristmas morning is even better than I thought when you've got a kid. Seriously, so much better.08smSanta got Ezra this Jumper for the holiday, and watching Ezra figure it out is highly entertaining.04smHis ability to take off socks is stunning -- especially considering his inability to replace a fallen pacifier.05smAnd lastly, one of my favorite moments this week was seeing Ezra watch Raiders of the Lost Ark with Jamie. He is clearly worried about the Nazis at this early age! And our pediatrician keeps telling us not to let Ezra watch TV, so yeah, we're breaking the rules. But it's a holiday. And a classic film.Oh! And before I forget! We also introduced the kid to Johnny Cash this week. That was SUPER fun. He loves it when his dad serenades him with Ring of Fire. As do I.