saturday at the circus // week 12


08smWhat a week! Ezra's eyesight seems to have fully come in and now he's reaching and grabbing for things like TOYS! Which makes my days with him much more interesting. It's really fun to watch him figure things out -- I cannot wait to work on things like spelling and reading! (I am such a nerd.)Anyway! Besides toys, Ezra also got to go to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts this week, which was a great excursion as a) it's free b) it's totally stroller friendly and c) it's huge, so it's a nice place to walk. Oh! And of course d) lots of pretty art!And in the photo above, I love how Magda is such a camera hog! Of *course* she had to get in on the action and show Ezra how it's done. And how do I know she missed the attention? Because there were zero treats involved. She did this FOR FUN. Cutie.09smBig fan of the long-sleeved winter "onesies" around these parts. 07sm"Please, please, please play with me!" After this shot, she was ushered out of the room. While she is always super gentle with Ezra, I don't want to push my luck. And those paws are huge.01smEzra sleeps at the MIA. I love how he sleeps with his fist raised. That's right, Ez, "Fight the Power."06smSuch a cutie.02sm 04smThis is Ezra playing with his new toy. SO HAPPY!10sm 11sm 03sm 12sm 05smAnd yeah, he still hates tummy time.