sick boys


0226sicksmToday I stayed in my pajamas, avoided most of my work, and took care of my sick boys. Ezra is super ill with his first cold and there is snot EVERYWHERE. The kid hates me wiping his nose (too bad) and he keeps trying to beat me to it with his hand and then to his hair and his face and his clothes and EW. I really hoped I wouldn't be one of "those parents" with a kid covered in dried snot. Yeah, far too late for that. At least we're not in public... yet.Also, dear sweet Merlin is under the weather as well. The last few days he's been pacing. Pacing the yard, circling the house, pacing the bedroom at night... just constantly walking. I talked to his vet about it and it could be a side-effect from his pain meds or it could be progression of his disease or it could be a sign he's in pain. Those are not great options, people. So that is stressing us out a bit because... just look at that sweet face.For your internet share of the day, photographic proof that hot lunches in the US suck. Also, I loved this post: There’s never been a serial killer who enjoyed yoga. I did the research." And finally, the best recipes found on the back of packages according to Bon Appetit. Enjoy!