snowy morning


0303snowsmOh man, do I love that collie fur. He has about the best salt and pepper gray I've ever seen!This morning, it was (finally) snowing big, fluffy flakes, and I took the dogs outside to play a bit. I snapped this image of Merlin's back as he made it to his usual spot below me wanting a good back scratch. If you have ever visited my house, you are familiar with this position (similar to riding a horse backward). It's too bad he doesn't realize that back scratches with gloves on are infinitely worse than the ones indoors with my fingernails exposed. But I loved the snowflakes in his fur -- so lovely.For your internet shares today, have you seen these images of Cat Island? Holy shit, this is insane. Also? Did you hear Kevin Garnett was traded back to the Timberwolves? (!!) Do you know who is a big KG fan (besides me)? PRINCE. So there was this piece about that in the Star Tribune, but better than the writing is that amazing photo of Prince sitting court side. Whoa, that hair.