so squeezable!


16wI had my last holiday family photo shoot this week, and it was so much fun! This little girl is just the cutest, and so is her sister (below).While I do love taking family photos at the holidays SO much, I cannot lie -- it is a wonderful feeling to know I have two weeks at a little bit of a slower pace. Well... actually, make that one week. Next week I'm booked solid working on a big commercial shoot, but the week between the holidays? I plan on slowing down and enjoying my own family.I am planning on sitting by the fire, reading books with my kid, and baking cookies. In fact, for your internet share, here are some cookie recipes I'm thinking would be good for the family to make together. If you have your own favorites, please share them in the comments!+ Chocolate and peppermint? Yes, please!+ I've never made these wreaths before, but I think they look easy and I think Ezra will be fascinated by food coloring.+ And then if I get more ambitious, I think these cookies with jam look super tasty.09w 21w 14w