soooo tasty


Yup, I made that. I followed this gazpacho recipe over here, but I added in my own touches like shrimp, avocado, cumin, cayenne pepper and cilantro. I absolutely love gazpacho, but my problem is that I like it best once it has marinated over night, and I'm never organized enough to plan out a meal that way. Unless I get a random Wednesday off! Then I can plan like SuperWife! Anyway, long story short, this soup is awesome. Go make it.MEMPHIS UPDATE: We got the final lab results back today, and she does not have leptoblahblahblah and in fact has kidney disease, as we suspected. Dogs with this disease live 40 days to 2 years, and we have no idea where she falls on this spectrum. I am slowly coming to terms with this news, and it's made easier by her wolfing down all of her food, begging us for more, and bringing us toys for tug-of-war. If the temp drops into the low 80s tonight, she might even get a walk. So, all-in-all, her spirits are good, which makes this easier to handle.