an outie!


Aren't these kids adorable? I had a shoot with their whole family today over at the Walker, and thank god we moved inside. It reached 103 degrees, and it was even warm inside! Anyway, I adore the bellybuttons. ADORE.Also today, I received a huge package from my dear, wonderful grandmother. It was one of those enormous tins of popcorn (1/3 regular, 1/3 caramel and 1/3 cheese). Now, since I've been on Paleo (since August), I have given up popcorn. But... um... I had to have this tonight. I mean, it smelled SOOOOO good. And it's from my GRANDMOTHER. Who could turn THAT down? So we packed up a big bag of it (of the caramel and cheese anyway -- I have never figured out who eats the regular), and we headed off to see Savages at the movie theater. The popcorn was delicious. As was the man-candy that is Tim Riggins in that movie. I'm just sayin'.