

I ended my day over in South Minneapolis meeting up with some clients to deliver their wedding photos. This was super fun a) because I really like these two a lot and they have a great sense of humor and b) it's fun to give my freelance clients their work because they are usually grateful and happy and extremely complimentary. My day job is, um, lacking in that department.Today? Today was rough, as you might have picked up from my Twitter stream. I got home around 7 and had just enough time before heading out to review some math on a) how many years until retirement and b) if I really needed this day job after all. Yeah, it was that bad.But let's talk about this photo, shall we? This is Spruce, which is the *adorable* flower shop I stumbled upon while visiting with said clients tonight (it was across the street). Check out those beautiful succulents in the window! I am totally trying these guys out next time I need plants or flowers. The shop caught my eye because Brad designed the logo, and I remembered it, but had never seen the shop. Sometimes when Brad does something cool, he sends me the file for "feedback" which means "Leslie drools and fawns over the work and decides she is talentless and should just give up and start delivering pizzas." But seriously, he has mad skillz.Oh! And let me fill you in on Senior Plesser. Today he was able to talk! This was great news because they could ask more questions and get an idea of if/how his mind was affected by all of the trauma (it appears he's completely coherent, but not yet ranting about the Republicans... when that happens we will know we have returned to normalcy). It turns out he also got a sponge bath, but sadly from a male nurse. To go through all of that and end up with a male nurse?! Someone is getting ripped off, I tell you.But in all seriousness, the news out of Kansas City today was more of the good kind, and while still emotionally draining, at least in the very best of ways.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser