the september issue


Well hello there. This is a total cheat. CHEAT. I AM A CHEATER. Today was so exhausting that I can barely keep my eyes open. And I got home around 7:30 (yes, that's late -- even for me) to be greeted by a hungry collie who needed to pee and The September Issue of Vogue in my mailbox. Eeeeek! Apologies to all the men out there, but this is one that I really, really look forward to. While I am no fashionista (my multitude of black concert t-shirts gets me kicked out of that club), I do love following design and trends and especially? FALL fashion. It takes me back to those days before the start of first semester when you got to go Back To School Shopping and boy, did I love that. My mom would drive me up to Kansas City so that I could shop at the Gap and Banana Republic and Sacks 5th Ave. since we had none of those in Wichita back then. Anyway, it's for those reasons that I look forward to this issue.But this photo! This photo is of the enormous ad spread that Target bought for their upcoming Missoni line. Oh my, am I excited for this line. I am absolutely in love with the blankets and throws they show in these images, and they will be mine, without a doubt (don't worry honey! Target! Less expensive!). The line goes on sale Sept. 13, but y'all need to stay home until Sept. 14 so I can get mine, mmmkay?And why am I a cheat? Because my photo is of someone else's beautiful photo. I apologize for that, but I really felt I needed to share the news about this line for those of you not following Target's design trends (hi Mom!).But before I sign off for the night to crawl into bed with this five pound magazine in my lap, I want to update you all on my father-in-law. Senior Plesser had a huge day today. He woke up! And they were able to remove the ventilator! And he can communicate (through nodding as he waits for his throat to heal from said ventilator). This was all so fantastic. When Jamie texted me with the news at my desk, tears were streaming down my face (happy tears! at work! what's that!?). I cannot tell you the relief I felt knowing he was conscious and communicative. Anyway, he's not completely out of the woods yet, but this was an enormous step in the right direction. Let's keep our fingers crossed that he has a fast and easy recovery. Lord knows there are a LOT of doctors out there who would be remiss without his advice on their golf swing ;)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser