Right!?!I was lucky enough to have this handsome boy in the studio this weekend, and OMG I could have died from the cuteness.Way before Shuttersmack was ever started, I had a sheltie myself, named Maudee. I didn't give her that name, I adopted her when she was six, and I felt like it was too late in the game to change it on the poor thing. Her parents were giving her up because their GRANDKIDS didn't like the dog. Ahem. You better believe I have opinions about that.Anyway, trust me when I tell you she landed in a better place. However, I must admit, she was a bit... nuts. 1) She hated men. All men. Even Jamie. 2) Better not move to fast. If the phone rang and you jumped up off the couch to answer, she would begin barking like mad and circling you to get you back where you belonged. 3) Wow, did this dog hate blimps. Yes, blimps. In her heyday, I lived in Los Angeles, and I would let her sit out on the fire escape. But when a blimp came by? The entire neighborhood knew about it. They were her mortal enemy. And in Long Beach, CA, blimps are more frequent than you think.She was a weird dog, but we loved her nonetheless. She was a perfect companion to a single lady living in such a huge city. I'm including a photo of a photo of her from back in the (film!) days. Excuse the quality -- an iPhone photo of an old print can only look so good.But back to this guy, Cody! He was an amazingly sweet, non-neurotic Sheltie who even played fetch. It was a blast to take his photo.
Ok! For your internet share of the day, I loved this mom's advice to her son. Because I think it holds true to all of us every day -- not just kids. And if you don't make a gazillion photo calendars like I do, you should look at all these pretty ones. Great gifts (even for yourself!)