suit and tie


Look who got all dressed up for work today! I'm gonna thank Mr. JT for this inspiration. What a sharp dressed man.Besides waking up to send a handome man off into the workforce, my day was... challenging. Lots of stuff at the office was ... interesting, but frankly I'm still running on a high from SXSW (not a *literal* high, but an emotional one, for sure), and I really couldn't begin to let any of it get to me.Also, randomly, I've decided to start sharing some of my favorite finds on the internet with you guys. Today I was discussing with some coworkers how upset I was with the loss of Google Reader, and they commented that none of them used it, really. That they only read 4-6 blogs per day.I subscribe to 94 different blogs that I try to read each day. Now, most of them are design blogs, so the term "read" might not be right, but I like to be informed.Anyway, I thought with this in mind, that maybe I should start sharing a few of my favorite finds. Today's came from Margaret, and you'll understand how much I enjoyed it because it's an interview with an animal photographer. But not just dogs and cats. This woman shoots BUFFALO and FLAMINGOES and crazy stuff like that. You can read about it here. Enjoy!