wine + dinner + brackets


Hey look at me! Skipping a "way back Wednesday" two weeks in a row! That's because the University of Minnesota is on Spring Break and I actually had time to (barely) think today. And I used that time to down a glass of wine, eat some steak and fill out my NCAA brackets. Who says I don't maximize every minute of my day?I really don't think KU will make it to the final game, but I cannot emotionally let them lose to North Carolinaj (psh, Roy) or any team from Florida (because obviously I'm still bitter about living there). And that gets us to the final game in my bracket, so I'mma go with that. Jamie, my husband who has not missed two minutes of any game since, I dunno, 1986, has them losing in the sweet sixteen. And he calls himself a fan.OK, now down to the "Internet share" of the day. So did you hear about Don Draper? Apparently AMC has asked him to wear... uh... more structured undergarments because they are tired of having to photoshop pictures because apparently his nether regions keep showing up in outline in the tighter pants that were all the rage in the late 60s and are now featured in the show. I would like to point out that under no circumstances would they ask Joan to hide any part of HER sexuality, but AMC is arguing that the shape in Mr. Draper's pants is too "distracting."So my parents read this blog, and I need to make sure I keep things appropriate enough for my father, but I *know* my mom is totally gonna click through on this article. It's a tough balance, I tell you! Here's the full link here.