

1128tdaysmHappy Thanksgiving! Here is what I was most thankful for today:• My amazing husband and a day off to spend relaxing together, cooking and watching television.• The fact that we learned today that Magda is terrified of the oven exhaust fan and when you are cooking and want her out of the kitchen so you don't have to worry about her stealing the turkey all you have to do is flip the switch. WIN.• My uncanny ability to make delicious gravy. Mmmmmm....• The fact that HBO is having a free weekend preview and I got to watch one of my favorite movies, "Sliding Doors."• The fact that Merlin is happy and healthy and if you happen to be holding some turkey skin in your hands he acts just like he did when he was 4 years old.• The amazing sweet potato latkes that we invented this morning to celebrate Hanukkah and Thanksgiving together. And you guys? They were so good! So below is the recipe. Enjoy!Ingredients1 large sweet potato, gratedRoughly 1/3 cup Matzo Meal1/2 onion, dicedSalt and pepper to taste2 eggsCombine ingredients in a medium bowl. Heat 1 cup olive oil in a frying pan. Once hot, spoon the sweet potato mixture into the pan and flatten a bit with a spoon. Cook until crisp, remove from oil and towel off excess grease. Let cool and enjoy -- maybe with a dollop of sour cream? Just a thought...