the always amazing alby


02alby011614smRemember Alby? From our trip to Palm Springs? He's had a bit of a rough year. But damn if he doesn't meet it ready for the fight.Alby was diagnosed with lung cancer this summer (not a smoker -- stop the judging), and he had a long and hard fight with it. There were some very tough times, but he pulled through, and his PET scan last week showed that the spots in his lungs were gone. WHICH IS AWESOME.But.The test also showed new spots in his brain and lymph nodes, so he's starting another battle this week. And you guys should see how cheerful and optimistic and funny and sweet he still is! He just amazes me with all his strength and positivity.We were commiserating today about the cold and how we haven't been able to walk as much in this weather, and we decided we are going to try to start having dates at the Mall of America to get our steps in. I'm hoping we can wear matching velour jumpsuits with gold jewelry and hold those little mini weights (and tease our bangs).The photo up there is of the lasers lining up the radiation machine to the spot in Alby's head that needs to be zapped. I doubt that's proper lingo... sorry. Anyway, I drove him to his treatment today and he asked me to take a photo of the whole getup. Pretty fascinating, I have to admit.