the best days are here


0505floweringtreessmI had a meeting get postponed this morning, and it opened up my day a bit -- which is amazing when the weather is like this. So what did I do with my extra time? I met my husband for lunch al fresco and then spun around Lake Harriet to see if the trees were in bloom. Yup! Aren't they lovely? If you look closely, it looks like there are specks of dust on my lens or something. You know what those tiny specks are? Bees! So I left them in the photo.This weather right here makes me want to eat ALL my meals outside. Good thing that patio is coming along! I should have more photos by the end of the week!For your internet share, here is your friendly reminder that if you think you might ever want a website in your name, you should get on that. And here is something for all you dog lovers out there.