the end of the cold?


0405teawI hesitate to say this... but it appears the worst of winter is on its way out! (Sorry if I just jinxed it!) Today when I left the house it was -2, and tomorrow it's going to be 37! And the 10-day forecast even has us in... wait for it... THE FIFTIES. You guys, are we turning a corner? It kinda feels that way!Anyway, one of my crutches this winter has been my afternoon tea. It used to be my afternoon coffee, but since I take my coffee with loads of cream/sugar/coffeemate, I switched to tea as I'm trying to shed this baby weight.I love how on the colder days the steam really curls around the pot -- isn't it lovely?For your internet share of the day, this art is beautiful and if I lived in California, I would want one of these asap.