the energizer bunny finally wears out


0726magssmMagda here is BEAT. Today, for the first time ever, she swam. None of this wading into her elbows and jumping back out, she was outright swimming after toys and playing fetch and having a ball doing it. It was so fun to see her enjoy the water... and it's so fun to see how it wears her out the way it did Memphis.But the best part of the day was this. We had been playing fetch with her for awhile in the water, and Jamie decided to test out the rafts to see if they would hold his weight in the water -- they are super thin and look like they're perfect for kids. Anyway, he stacked two on top of each other, climbed on and slowly laid back. The rafts together did hold him (barely -- and no, I did not attempt it), and he began drifting out, away from the shore. Magda watched him for a minute and then as he reached just past the dock, she jumped in and swam to him, positioned herself so that her neck and chin was in his armpit, and began to swim him back to shore. SHE RESCUED HIM (or she thinks she did). It was so adorable! We laughed and laughed and laughed. Who knew she had it in her? Especially on her very first day of swimming?The rest of the day consisted of writing Thank You notes, reading, sunning on the dock, a nap and snacking on berries. You guys? This right here is heaven on earth. I doubt we'll swim much tomorrow as thunderstorms are predicted, but I'll capture photos of her in the water later this week, I promise.