the flip side of the snowfall


Why am I showing you a shadow of a glass of water on a day when we have a foot of fresh snow outside? Well.This is the flip side of winter. The day the plow comes by and buries your freshly shoveled driveway in the salty ice compound that might as well be known as concrete.While I am *dying* to go outside and spend an hour of my workday shooting fresh images, in all honesty I need to shovel the plow mess instead. And that's not very pretty. So instead, I give you this great shadow I caught last week while I was at a corporate client's location working on portraits.I promise to put a little more effort in tomorrow. In the meantime? Wish me luck.And for your internet shares of the day!+ I had never heard of this movie, but it looks delightful!+ These life hacks hit home for me. Plus it's written by one of my favorites around town.+ Norway wants Americans who are fed up with Trump to move there. Tempting...Also, just a suggestion: I'm watching Godless on Netflix right now and WOW. Have you seen it? I never thought I'd be this mesmerized by a western.