the next chapter


0102sparklewI barely shot any photos this weekend, which is supremely disappointing. The good news is that it was because I was deeply engrossed in living life instead of documenting it, but it does make blogging on Mondays a bit tougher.Saturday evening, we hosted a small gathering of families for some New Year's Eve shenanigans. There were seven kids and eleven adults and it was completely chaotic in the most fun way. The kids ate pizza and played games and built things with blocks and toys and the adults drank delicious alcoholic beverages, ate pizza paired with an amazing kale salad (I know! Yes, you did read that right!) and around 8 pm we had an official countdown to the new year followed by everyone running outside banging on pots and pans, twirling glow sticks, yelling happy new year and lighting their sparklers.Well, except that I made a terrible mistake and *I* lit everyone's sparklers. Which meant that I didn't have time for photos! When I lit the last one and raised my camera, only one was left burning! Next year, someone else has to light them so I can take pretty photos. So that photo you see up there is the only one I could get. Lame.After all that noise, we came inside for a toast and then everyone headed out and Jamie and I collapsed.It was a really wonderful evening, and we had so much fun. And then only a few hours later I came down with a monstrous head cold and we spent the rest of the weekend taking it easy and eating chicken soup.I think it's pretty obvious from many of my previous posts that I am not looking forward to 2017. I know people keep telling me to stay positive about the political future, but I've read far too much history, and I know that while that sounds good, it won't really help things.So while I dread the future of our nation, the earth, and equal rights among all people, the only positive thing I can do right now is hug my own family tight and spend the time I do have on this planet doing things I believe in and spending time with people who I love dearly and who make me happy. I hope you all can do the same.