the other baby
A reader commented recently that it had been a while since I shared any photos of Magda on the blog, and they were right and I feel guilty. By the way, look at her pretty eyelashes!Last week, while the family was in Austin, Magda stayed with the best dog sitter ever who takes her to tap rooms and on super walks and has many other dogs in her home to play with. To say Magda is a tad sad to have returned home is an understatement.But last night she finally did crawl back into bed with us to snuggle a bit. So maybe we are on the road to forgiveness? I hope so.
Here are a few internet shares to entertain you:+ I loved this story about an immigrant gaining citizenship. These new measures of deportation are so sad to me.+ I want this t-shirt.+ I love, love, love this video that shows all of the front pages of the NY Times ever and truly illustrates how visual we have become (it's short -- I promise).+ And speaking of the Times, they started a new campaign today. I like it a lot.+ I liked this parenting article about raising kids who suffer consequences (Apologies to those without kids! And apologies to Ezra of the future.)