the science museum


post by leslie

We took Ezra to the Science Museum for the first time this weekend. I've been loads of times for shoots or weddings or fun, but it was delightful to watch him explore it all for the first time. He was at first enthralled by the giant T-Rex skeleton when we entered, and he loved touching the teeth and seeing how large they were, but that seemed to quench his thirst for dinosaurs as he had no more interest in that part of the museum for the rest of our visit.Instead, he was fascinated by light, lasers, wind and movement. And legos. Did I mention the legos?They have a wonderful exhibit there now on the architecture of skyscrapers where all of the world's tallest buildings are built with legos, and then there are tubs and tubs and tubs of legos for kids to try to build their own. What a fun morning we had!

(My child did not build that Chrysler Building -- it was part of the exhibit.)And now for your internet shares of the day:+ Something new to listen to! This artist was in town last week (I didn't make it to the show) and I kept meaning to give the music a listen. So here I am a week late!+ What happens when parents put the kids in charge -- a delightful read.+ Finally, a trailer that makes the new Star Wars movie look interesting.