the most pink you'll see in my house


Today was GORGEOUS outside... but I had to work in my cube at the Star Tribune. Booooo.... However, I did get to leave a little early to come home and grab the dogs for their annual vet visit, in which they deposited a little blood and we deposited almost $400. I swear, dogs are filthy, expensive creatures that will wreak havoc on your home... but I wouldn't give them up for anything.But the most hilarious part of the day was when we were driving home from the vet, and we stopped at Blockbuster to drop off a DVD. Whoa, wait. Are we living in 1992? Can you believe that we still rent DVDs from BLOCKBUSTER of all places?!? I know, I know. But we have so much Tivo (slight television addiction) that getting Netflix just has never seemed worth it. And hey, now that every other person on the planet uses Netflix, the rest of us have a gazillion things to choose from at Blockbuster or Redbox or whatever us old people are using these daysAnyway! So I get back in the car after dropping off the movie, and Jamie turns to back up out of the spot and starts cursing at Memphis. I turn around, and in all of the "excitement" of the car stopping, she has attempted to crawl over the back seat from the rear of the SUV. But she couldn't quite make it and her front paws are on the back seat, and on the other side of the seat back, her legs are just hanging in mid-air as she is *furiously* peddling trying to get over the hump. Hilarious! Yes, this is the brainchild that we just dropped several hundred dollars on at the vet. Clearly a wise investment.But who cares about my dog antics, what is this photo you ask? Well when Mom came to town I ordered an arrangement from the florist up the street, Brown & Greene, who I had never used before, and they put together these amazing peonies and pale pink roses. Now, I hate all things pink with every fiber in my being, but I knew mom would love these. And she did. And she asked me to please take a photo of them to send to her as she was leaving this morning. So here you go Mom -- now if only you could still smell them!