

I should have known today was gonna be good when Rick Nelson, our food critic at the paper, showed up with BOXES of donuts from Mojo Monkey. This one in the photo is a particular favorite -- it's a maple glazed long john with a slice of bacon on top. These things smelled divine.Besides donuts and my 8 hours of working in a cube, I also got to have lobster for lunch with Nyberg and then... are you ready for it?... I finally got to see Battleship with Miss MargaretNow this film has been getting all kinds of bad reviews, and I'm gonna just say that if you head into the theater to see a movie about an alien invasion that is based on a board game and stars Rhianna, you need to adjust some expectations. Mine were perfectly adjusted to realize that I was going to pay $8 to watch Taylor Kitsch (who many of you know as Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights) run around a ship in a tight, wet t-shirt fighting aliens. And that's all I wanted, and it was WELL worth eight bucks. If you expect any thing else from this movie, however, you will be disappointed (although there are some spectacular ship explosions)* Ladies, you're welcome for that link up there.