this cat sums up my day


0114chippysmOh kids, today was rough. I witnessed a pretty scary head-on car collision on my way to an appointment that I was already late to (and that cat up there? Chippy? He was waiting for my arrival and was quite perplexed by Ezra). The rest of the day was pretty rushed from one appointment to the next and ended with a ticket for more than $100 because... uh... I forgot to pay and register for my 2015 license tabs. Because that bill arrived the same week I was in labor, and I guess we just realized what fell through the cracks. So that sucked.But, on the plus side, I had my hair colored and that was AWESOME. Slowly (very slowly) I'm getting back to my old self again.So first, just a reminder that the Rock'n'Roll photo show that I'm a part of is happening Friday night and I'd love to see you there.And second? I have two internet shares for you today. The first are these AMAZING photos of Detroit in the 1940s. Go look at that. Seriously. What? Too cerebral for you? Fine. Here's the trailer for the next season of House of Cards. That oughta intrigue you.