three years running


0513magswThree years ago today, I brought home this little lady to live with us. What a time that was... she would wake us up at 4:30 or 5 am to go for walks, and she would wake us up by clawing and biting at our faces. I remember thinking this must be what new parents of babies must feel like. Well... not really. Ezra might have woken me up at all hours for a full 14 mos., but he never attacked my face... so... (but he's not as good at snuggling as the Vizsla is, that's for sure).Anyway, today *also* marks 21 years since I asked Jamie out on our first date where we ate delicious chinese food and he plied me with Rolling Rock beer as we talked about music on a balcony overlooking a Burger King. You only dream of romance like that. But seriously, I got the best man on the planet and you'll have to find your own damn Romeo to buy you your Rolling Rock.For your internet share today (ladies), I bought this dress online this week and it arrived today and is as comfy as pajamas and I will likely live in it all summer. I invite you to do the same.