

0523testingsmI am traveling to Des Moines tomorrow for a pretty spectacular wedding, and I rented this tilt-shift lens to take with me. I always love the magic that this lens creates, but it costs more than my mortgage payment, so I do not own one. I just rent them for weddings sometimes when I want to feel fancy.Anyway! I hadn't used one in about 3 years, so I decided to head down to the lake and practice with it tonight. It's manual focus, and getting the right parts of the photo sharp can be tricky if you're not well-versed in it. So wish me luck tomorrow! (Don't worry! I practiced a lot!)Also, I leave bright and early and I'll be shooting late. This is potentially the longest day of my summer in terms of shooting hours, and I'm going to try to blog when I return to the hotel, but there is a chance I will collapse into bed instead. So if the blog is tardy tomorrow, please understand it's just due to exhaustion and I'll catch you up on Sunday.For your internet share today, these hoards of sea turtles coming ashore to nest remind me of an alien invasion. Right?