tired feet


0604MagssmDoesn't she have cute feet? I think so. And I love that even she has dog hair stuck to her (besides the attached fur, of course).Lately, I've been wearing this girl out. Now that my torn calf muscle is healed enough to walk again, I've been burning up my fitbit (for me, anyway), and logging a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. This usually means Magda here gets an hour-long walk each day -- sometimes more. She really does love it, and I love how she snoozes the rest of the day away afterward.  It's a good match.At first, I felt like I was really wasting precious work hours by walking an hour each day. But now I justify it as my "daily commute." If I were still working downtown, I would spend this much time in the car each day, so I might as well spend it getting healthy and enjoying the weather.Yesterday, it rained all day putting a damper on our walk. But I still got my steps in because the pedometer counts dancing as steps (as it should) and I saw The Rolling Stones last night! You guys, Mick Jagger is a FORCE. I was in awe of his health and his stamina on stage. I read this article today on how he stays so youthful. I don't know how true it is, but still fascinating. Especially this bit:

In fact, the Rolling Stones’ tour  has more than 200 staff, including fitness trainers, dietitians, a physiotherapist and chefs poached from the Four Seasons hotel chain, who cart around lorryloads of organic food.

But while the show was super fun, the sound mix where we were sitting was awful. We could hear the sound from the front speakers and the middle speakers and the echo off the stadium. Which is why I think these might be the greatest inventions EVER.Obviously, I didn't photograph the show, but if you want to see some great shots, my buddy Nate has got you covered over here. Enjoy!