toast to my buddy


0405toastsmOne of my very dearest friends, Julie, is having a baby. You guys, I am so very excited and happy for her. She is such a funny and smart and kind and hilarious and genuine person, and I just can't wait to see what smart-ass remarks this kid has when he/she can speak. Seriously.Anyway! Today, Julie was in town from Ohio for a baby shower, and we celebrated with fancy drinks (some alcoholic, some not) and an amazing dinner which we ate between laughter. It was so intimate and so perfect.Also today, I got to celebrate my buddy Mere's birthday AND I was hit on by an octogenarian who told me all about his fantasies of nude portraits in front of cold steel. Yeah. So obviously, I am still quite the catch! Jamie better just WATCH OUT. ;)For today's internet share, I'm sending you to awesome animal portraits. Do you get sick of these? Too bad. I don't. And? Apparently neither does the New York Times.