trying to help


A few weekends ago, I worked with a dozen or so lovely ladies to build these baggies full of goods. What for, you ask? To give to the homeless.You know when you're driving around town and you see someone asking for help at a street corner? And you either give them your change or your wadded up bills or you pretend you don't see them? I don't really like those options because I don't really know if it helps. But I don't want Ezra to see me ignoring people who need help. I want him to be someone who grows up with empathy and who tries to logically help those he can.And a group of my friends feels the same, and so one of them organized an afternoon where we all brought 50-100 of a certain item, then we set up an assembly line and we all went home with a half dozen of these ziplock bags to hand out to those in need. They contained:• granola bars• wool socks• bottles of water• beef jerky• hand warmers• kleenex• toothbrush• toothpaste• razor• chapstick• wet wipes• a comb• a notepad and pencilNow, when I see homeless folks around town, I feel like I can help them in a more meaningful way, and Ezra and I can talk about it. It didn't take much time, and it was a lot of fun for a quick gathering. If you and your friends are looking for something similar, I highly suggest it!For your internet shares of the day:+ What do chefs check out at other restaurants?+ The coolest curtains ever.+ The history of McDonald's uniforms.+ This read on the backfire effect is fascinating.