tunnel vision


I'm still in the thick of work right now, but getting keys to the new studio space and moving in was a huge relief. More photos of that space later, I promise (we just need to finish decorating first!).Right now, I'm in Boston prepping for a shoot with a new client. I'm not gonna lie, while this month has been exhausting, getting to photograph jobs out of town is always exhilarating, and this is no exception.I'm doubting I'll have time to blog tomorrow, but I'll be back by Wednesday, I promise. Please bear with me!I hope you all had an amazing weekend. Can you believe summer is almost over?! Get out there while you can! Sip wine on the patio, watch the moon rise over a still lake, chow down on some sweet corn on the cob and hold a drink in your hand while playing your favorite yard game! It's going to be gone before we know it!