um, tuesday with magda (tardy!)
We are kinda beat around these parts! You would think it was from all that wonderful travel, but no. It would be because the pup here was so excited that we were home (or angry?) that she kept us up almost all night long. Each time I would stir, she would pounce on me, biting at my nose and hands, wanting to play. At like, 4 am. Good thing she's cute.So yes, SHE slept all day to recover while we worked to keep her in a warm home with food. Someone is winning this game, that is for sure.Today was full of a gazillion dog appointments (or that's what it felt like), and one of them was a visit to a new dog sitter's house to make sure all the dogs play nice. Wait, didn't we just get back? Why yes, yes we did. We have one (maybe two) short trips on the horizon, and our normal, fabulous, dog sitters are busy. This made me look for alternatives, and I am finally getting around to trying out Have you checked that site out? Cuz it is awesome. Today we had a meet'n'greet with the owner of the house where the dogs will stay for our next trip, and the host was AWESOME. I am hoping this is a great fit for the pups.So if you have animals and like to travel, that might be the perfect site for you.Now! Let's dig into the internet shares of the -- wait! I keep forgetting to update you guys on stuff! Please pardon your normal blog post while I
brag about post some work that came out while I was away. First, if you like cats, you'll enjoy these images and story over on the Purina site about a local cat celebrity named Pudge. If you enjoy food and the food scene in the Twin Cities, you can check out a bunch of my photos in's restaurant guide that came out this week, including my new favorite spot, Umami. (By the way, I have looked in two separate places and can't find a print copy because they've all been taken -- if you see one, grab a copy for me?) And if you like hitting up live music, you might like to see my Skyway Lounge photos from Friday's Star Tribune. On that last link the photos are teeny tiny on the right column. If you have the actual print paper, they are big and colorful and beautiful (thank you print designers!).OK! Enough of the self promotion! Back to the internet shares of the day! As promised, I'm giving you two. The first is the most amazing art made out of food that a mom makes for her kids for lunch! COOLEST MOM EVER. Seriously creative. And next is a hilarious marketing prank that the people behind the new 'Carrie' movie pulled in NYC. They rigged a coffee shop to make it look like an angry customer used her telekinetic powers in a fit of rage over spilt coffee, and it is hilarious to see the reactions. I totally believe in this stuff, btw, and I would have run screaming. Ha!