up above


pups0408smOh, how Memphis and Merlin loved to play as pups. Jamie and I were reminiscing about how our house at the time was like a huge puppy obstacle course. This photo was taken a short time after we got Merlin, so both dogs were about 4 or 5 months old. And they weighed 40-50 lbs (Merlin later grew to 80).They would wrestle anywhere they could (like on top of this chair) and there were endless games of keep away and chase in our house. I remember my mom visiting once and telling me that my dogs had way more energy than toddlers (and that's saying something) as she ducked out of the way of some serious tug-of-war in our kitchen.Today, whenever I've gotten sad about Merlin (which has been a lot), this happy playing is what I've tried to remember, and what I hope is happening in heaven up above.Many, many, many of you sent me wonderful comments or sweet emails or notes on facebook. Some of you even brought me flowers or mailed me cards that somehow already arrived today. You guys out there are the BEST. Seriously. I have been blown away by your kindness.Tomorrow things will return to a bit more normalcy around these parts, but today I wanted a little more of a happy Merlin post. So here you have it.Now go snuggle your animals.