ups and downs


Today was busy and slow and exciting and stressful and man, is it time to go to bed yet? I had class early in the morning, then a fun lunch date, then a meeting at the photo studio (fun!) then a trip downtown to pick something up from the Timberwolves that I can't tell you about yet (later, darlings) and finally back to the house.So what sounds rough about all this? Well, I forgot my wallet at home. And I didn't realize it until I had already parked in the VERY EXPENSIVE ramp at school. So I had to borrow money from friends and strangers to be covered, and that's embarrassing and stresses me out.Then? Amid all this driving around town, my gas light went on. No problem! There's a station over there! Oh wait. My wallet's at home. That's right. So I had two more errands to run and I was on the other side of town from my house, but I got home safe and sound (now I just need to get to the gas station tomorrow morning).I was so beat when I got home from all of that (oh, and cleaning up the dog barf... yeah) that instead of working I opted to watch a Buffy rerun this afternoon before falling asleep for a nap. And instantly, the day was better. It's amazing how some good sleep can do that for you, eh?Oh. The photo! Ha, I guess I can give you some information on those, eh? Well, since today was so harried, these are shots I took with Instagram while running around. The first is of a moving train behind the photo studio (I'm a sucker for graffiti on trains) and the second is this very cool door on campus that I go through to gain access to the underground tunnels that take me to class. I wish all signs were hand lettered. Pretty type makes me so happy.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser