Welcome to my pet project. ha.
post by leslie
As I mentioned yesterday, May is the month I'm launching my personal project, Adopt a Stray in May. And guess what? Today it's May!For the next month, I'll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts -- some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn't it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so.So without further ado, here is our first dog, Betsy.Is this dog gorgeous or what?!? I love these beautiful hound dogs! Betsy is two, and she has the energy you would expect (she needs her exercise, but that doesn’t mean she’s overly hyper or nutso). She came from Kentucky and she loves being a couch potato. She is simply mellow and adorable.But I must also say that this girl is a little bit stubborn, I am not gonna lie. However, it's a little endearing as she's not rude about it or anything, she simply lets you know what she wants in a gentle and sweet way. For instance, we had to take photos on the couch because this sweetheart would not move (can’t blame her), so if you want to adopt this gorgeous lady into your home, you should probably be ok with dogs on the furniture. She loves to snuggle and will cover you in kisses. She's great with children, and she’d be an amazing partner for evening strolls in the summer time.For more information and to adopt this sweet girl, go here.More photos of this sweetheart below. Enjoy!
Also! See those cute bandanas up there? They were donated by the wonderful Lucy & Co, a local dog accessories company that I adore. For every bandana bought between now and May 6, they'll donate one to a rescue dog to help get them adopted! Yay for companies with big hearts!