What a week


Well… since the last time I wrote we’ve had a broken arm after a fall from the monkey bars and a trip up north for family mini sessions. It has been a whirl wind.

First, don’t worry the kid is fine. Sure his bone broke (!!) but he’s handling it like a champ and hasn’t complained of any pain since the first x-ray a few hours after it happened. He’s mostly excited that he sports a purple cast now.

Our time up north was great but way too short. We normally go for 4 days, and this time I realized ON OUR DRIVE THERE that I had only reserved for two days. Why?? Why would I do that?!? Because I booked in early April and I thought we would, you know, have a kid IN SCHOOL. hahahahhaha, joke’s on me.

Anyway, here are a few shots from our trip this weekend. Most were taken at the Scenic Cafe (my favorite restaurant) because that’s where I am happiest. Enjoy

Leslie PlesserComment