what a weekend


post by leslie

This weekend was spent not working. Instead, we bought and carved pumpkins. We made monster cookies. We had friends over. We built fires and played cards and solved puzzles and played Jenga. There were long dog walks and leaf raking and a lot of BBC murder mysteries.It was glorious and perfect.On Saturday night, as I scrolled through Instagram, I was sad for a beat that I am in a stage of life that is beyond costume parties and that we are no longer invited to such events. But as I pondered that, I realized I don't really have the energy for those shenanigans anymore. I'm happy and content to be home by the fire, snacking on home-made goodies and playing games with my family. In other words, I'm old now. And it's not as bad as I feared it might be.For your internet shares of the day:+ Pies that are far too beautiful to eat.+ Please remember what refugees and immigrants are escaping when they ask us to take them in.+ One of my favorite live bands, Diarrhea Planet (I know, I know) played their last show at the Ryman in Nahsville. You can watch clips here. That hair! That dancing! Those FIVE guitars!