

1snowwUm, so it's 8:30 pm, and I just realized I haven't blogged yet today.Welcome to my week.I am I.N.S.A.N.E. with last-minute holiday family shoots right now, and while I'm doing that I'm prepping for a big commercial shoot next week and I'm organizing/delivering a TON of donations from my charity drive (thanks all you awesome people who donated to the Jeremiah Program with me!), and I'm trying to, you know, do some Christmas shopping. And plan a trip to see Santa. And figuring out when to make cookies. And trying to get my packages all in order for the mail. And, and, and, and!You get the drift. We are all like this right now, I suspect.So you are getting bonus photos from this weekend, when I stepped away from all the madness and went sledding with the family. Oh, how I love my boys (and my dog). Enjoy!2snoww