where you'll find me all winter


post by leslie

Oh hi.Last spring (and maybe the year before that) we worked on updating our living room and dining room area. I didn't really post about the changes, but we got rid of the blinds and got curtains, we added bookshelves in the dining room, we built out new shelves in the living room to match the fireplace, and we added a cabinet for the TV that closes so no one knows it's there until we watch a movie.Anyway! A lot of changes, and the main result is that now we have curtains (which I prefer to blinds), we can build a fire and enjoy it while we watch TV (yay!) and we have a music area where we practice piano, play records and hold dance parties for Ezra and his friends. Small changes, but some big results -- which has been perfect.Aaaand, since it's all cleaned up for the holidays, it seemed like a good time to share it!To me, these photos are boring and useless, but I also know how much I love seeing other people's living spaces, so here you go.No internet shares because I've been too busy cleaning! And on that note, I'll likely take a few days off of blogging for the holidays as I want to be present with my family. I hope you understand and I hope you all have an amazing holiday weekend yourselves. Cheers!