white christmas


1225snowsmHow cute is my boy in the snow here, eh? Today, after delicious sweet potato latkes for breakfast and a wonderful, slow morning of opening packages, we took Magda and Merlin for a walk. It was 23 degrees out, and after yesterday, it felt balmy to us natives. We decided Mags might need to burn off some energy (putting it mildly) so we took the dogs to the nearby park with fenced in tennis courts and let them run off leash for a quick bit. Since Magda gets her own photo day each week, I decided to feature Merlin here instead. Plus? SO HANDSOME.The rest of the day we spent cooking beef stew, watching old episodes of The West Wing and reading. Pretty solid.How was your holiday? Cookies? Wine? Gifts?For my internet share of the day, I'm going to show you guys this new website I found called Plowz. It might be most revolutionary for us Twin Citizens, but hey, we'll take what we can get. Now I'm only angry that I, myself, didn't come up with this idea.