wild cub


04smI shot this image last night. Yes, I'm cheating again! But I had so much fun at this show, and I wanted to tell you all about it. My buddy (the all-knowing) Kyle, told me months ago that I HAD to see this band when they came to town. I couldn't find their music anywhere on the internet (except for one great song). So like a music nut, I went and bought two tickets and told Jamie we were going.Now, let's rewind to yesterday. For some unGodly reason, I woke up at 4:18 am yesterday and never made it back to sleep. I had an afternoon FULL of meetings, which meant I needed to get all of my work done in the morning. And I had a shoot at 6 pm, right after all those meetings. So my day was packed (and I was kinda tired). And Jamie? He had a crazy-busy day at work on top of having to take poor Merlin into the vet (and pick him up again later) for a teeth cleaning. When we got Merlin home, he was walking in diagonal lines with his eyes half open like a drunk pirate. Oh, and then Jamie had a board meeting thingy at 7 pm and wasn't back home until 8.And after all that, we were heading to the Turf Club at 9 for the show. There was definitely some whining. Like, "maybe we should just eat the tickets," or "oh my god, it's like -4 degrees outside," or "but I'm so huuuuuunnnnnggggry." But we did it. We manned up and got across town to the show.As we were walking (in the FREEZING COLD) from the car to the club, I was still in my mind thinking this was stupid, and we should have stayed home, and we could be in bed asleep right now. And then we walked into the club, and all was right with the world.It was warm, the music was fantastic, our friends were there, we were smiling and dancing and taking photos and within 1 minute. I was so happy that I had decided to head out for this wonderful hour of music. And? We were home by 10:30 and under the covers warm and toasty and passed out asleep.Going out takes a lot of effort. But the memories? They are totally worth it for me. To see the rest of the photos from the night, look over here.And for your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to the movie trailer for Divergent. I'm gonna start these books this week so I'm all caught up by the time the movie comes out. Super excited!