winter break


post by leslie

important bits below, please read all the way through!

At the start of the year, I created a folder on my desktop of my favorite images so that they would be handy at the end of the year to showcase some of my work. But when I opened it this morning, there were only two photos in there. Ha! Guess who got too busy to keep up this idea? Moi. But regardless, here they are! The two images I remembered to save into that folder. That seemed to be the story of 2018. It often felt like my head was barely above water with work (which is a good thing -- don't get me wrong). But because of that, there were several days when I simply forgot to blog. This is crazy to me because my entire business began because of, you know, this blog.However, in the days of facebook, instagram etc, there is just so much to keep up with, and I have seen that reflected in my readership numbers. The amount of people who check in with my blog are often around 75% fewer than those who read back in 2011. And it's making me wonder if the daily posts are still worth it.Because of this, I created a quick survey (ONLY FOUR QUESTIONS) for you who *are* still reading my blog to go and answer (right over here, please). I'm not thinking of quitting the thing cold turkey, but I am thinking of doing it a little less frequently. Much of those decisions will depend on your answers to the survey, so PLEASE take it. If no one takes the survey, I will assume no one is reading the blog, and I'll just end it.Also, I know some of you only check in once a month or so, so even if you see this post weeks from now, please go ahead and fill out the survey. It truly will help me gauge my future posts.In the meantime, I'm taking the next 2 weeks off to spend time with my family. Will I blog? If I feel like I'm getting great photos. One thing about working as a professional photographer every day is that the creativity tends to wane. Every time I take a small break from my camera, the creative urges come roaring back, and that might just happen this time around as well. But right now I need some time away.I hope you understand, and I hope you all take some time for yourselves during this holiday season. And here's to a wonderful 2019 filled with laughter, joy and a presidential impeachment.