

Tonight we made it out (finally) to our very first Wits show. This is a variety show put on by Minnesota Public Radio that is recorded and then aired later in the weekend (and online). Tonight's guests were Aimee Mann (who Jamie has an endless crush on) and Paul F. Tompkins. They mix it up with the host, John Moe to create a fabulous stream of pure comedy gold. It was AMAZING. I cannot stress enough how funny it was -- my face hurt because of all the smiling!I cannot give this show justice in a simple blog post, but I can say that you should listen to it over here -- I believe it will go up online Monday. It will also be streaming on The Current on Sunday at 9 pm CST. Seriously people, if you are a fan of NPR and shows like 'Wait, Wait,' please check this outThis shot is of the two artists laughing -- because that's what we all did all night. But my favorite part of the night was probably the "sing-along." This is where, I presume, the artist chooses a song, and the entire audience (this show is held in the Fitzgerald Theater -- the same spot that hosts Prairie Home Companion) stands and sings along. And the song she chose? Dynamite. You might not recognize it from the title, but please click on that link to hear it. And then picture Aimee Mann singing it. It was SO AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS (even more hilarious than that horrible video I just linked to).